When something is sterile, it is free from bacteria and living microorganisms. Sterile wipes are pre-soaked with isopropyl alcohol and demineralization also known as DI water. The intended use of these wipes is to prevent any unwanted bacteria from living on surfaces as well as the skin and open wounds. These wipes are most commonly used in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and labs to prevent the spread of germs. Sterile wipes are designed to avoid cross-contamination by providing the maximum quality of sanitizing. There are a variety of sterile wipes, and they may differ by intended use. The harsher chemicals are used for household surfaces, and the milder are used for skin surfaces.  Variety of Material 
  • Polyester 
  • Poly/cellulose
  • Bonded rayon/latex exterior-sponge  
Variety of Solutions
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Ethanol
  • Sodium hypochlorite is more commonly known as bleach
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Decon clean cleanroom cleaner
  • Stainless steel cleaner
Sterile wipes are even gentle enough to use on the skin because they do not contain any harsh chemicals or strong odors. These wipes are generally used after surgery to keep the wound free from bacteria that can cause infections. Sterile wipes also come in small packets for use in a first aid kit for unexpected injuries when you are on the go. Doctors’ offices also have packs of sterile wipes in the restroom for the collection of urine samples. The wipes help prevent bacteria from the skin from contaminating the urine sample so that you will get the most accurate results. Uses of Sterile Wipes
  • Urine collection
  • Cleaning wounds
  • Cleaning Skin
  • Cleaning Surfaces
  • External eyes
 Benefits of Sterile Wipes Benefits of these wipes are 
  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Gentle on the skin
  • Prevents cross-contamination
  • You get the same amount of sanitation with each wipe
Disadvantages of Sterile Wipes
  • If misused could spread germs rather than prevent them
  • If closed improperly the wipes may dry out
  • Overuse can lead to auto-immune problems because our bodies need a certain number of bacteria to build tolerance.
The benefits of sterile wipes out-weigh the disadvantages by far. As long as they are used properly, sterile wipes are very effective. Sterile wipes are a convenient alternative to bottled disinfecting solutions. With the wipes there is less mess than with bottled solution, you do not have to worry about accidental spills. They are also very convenient because you can grab, and wipe as needed. These wipes usually come packed in a dispenser which allows you to pull one out at a time as needed. The container is airtight so that your wet wipes will not dry out if closed properly. You can also fit them easily into your bag and take them with you on the go. Sterile wipes can be used for a variety of reasons such as skin lacerations, use in first aid kits, and home and medical office disinfection. It is essential that medical offices and laboratories always to have a supply of sterile wipes on hand to prevent the spread of unwanted germs. You can purchase sterile wipes in store or purchase them online from sites such as medlabgear.com.